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In his first ever “letter press” book — a kind of antiquarian printing technique concept art initially abhorred — Weiner plays with the auratic printing form by scrubbing right around the embossed edges, where color should go, and what printing, coloring and writing are all about. Checking out the meaning of both “tit” and “tat,” etymologically, one discovers that “tip” and “tit” are interchangeable, and that “tit for tat,” or “revenge” so to speak, is really about giving back the same of something. Are words the same and can any one thing be the same as another? Is a “tit” ever really a “tat”? In Weiner’s book, both here and metaphorically, language is so powerful that it is downright visceral. In fact, he calls his wall works “sculptures,” no matter how razor thin they may be.