Hamish Fulton
This artist’s book comprises drawings and texts made from a 20 day walking journey in Nepal in early 1983. Describing himself as a walking artist, Hamish Fulton has been making walks since the late 1960s, his work originating from these encounters with the landscape. His walks are materialised in artworks in the form of photographs, words and line drawings. Alongside work displayed in galleries, Fulton has also used the medium of the artist’s book to realise his work. ‘Twilight horizons’ records ‘a twenty day walking journey from Dumre to Leder in Manang and back to Pokhara by way of Khudi’. The experience of the journey is conveyed primarily by line drawings printed in red of, for example, clouds, a ridge, mountains, skylines, phases of the moon and village wall paintings. Equally important are the accompanying captions, succinct texts relaying information on the individual work’s subject, colour or place. The line drawings are interspersed by occasional word pieces, landscapes in words, conveyed by the varying scale and colour of their typographic arrangement. A further dramatic interlude takes the form of a stark mountain horizon printed in black.