Marc Nagtzaam
In this book, recent work by Marc Nagtzaam is shown together with installation views and some of his older drawings. As a result, the previous works can be viewed from the perspective of the new, and vice versa. Nagtzaam sees exhibitions and books as single works. The same compositional approach used when making the drawings is also reflected in the structure of this book. In this manner, Nagtzaam reveals the link between the hard-edge abstraction of the drawings, which can be read as architectural plans, and his spatial installations in which they function as elements in a larger composition, suggestive of an obscure organising principle.
Première monographie, reproductions pleine page de ses dessins au graphite, entre formes géométriques abstraites et représentation d’espaces, sélection d’oeuvres depuis 1995, textes de Chris Sharp, Dieter Roelstraete, index 1995-2011 + un insert : poster plié.
Textes en anglais.