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Stephan Keppel

Immer Zimmer

« During the installation of his show ‘Hard Copies’ at Camera Austria in Graz, Stephan Keppel made walks in the city, collecting structures, surfaces and traces of the past. In the book ‘Immer Zimmer’ these works are reworked and replaced, creating a new view on the historic city of Graz. The book includes an excerpt from the poem ‘Kracht voor Graz’ (1976) by K. Schippers » From the publisher’s website

Fw: Books
30 x 21 cm
84 p.
Offset, agrafé, n&b

23 €

Flat Finish (New York)

« In ‘Flat Finish’ Stephan Keppel explores and investigates the known, and unknown, structures and surfaces of New York City. By assembling a subjective databank of images and reproductions of city walls, architectural references and urban structures, Keppel strips the city from its clichéd myth, and gives a new perspective on the Metropolis. This publication is part of Keppel’s ongoing research on the public space, urban structures and reproduction, and is combining his own photographs with re-photographed archival material and other (online and offline) found footage. Printed in special high pigmented inks, mostly black and white, but also fluorescent colors and metallic inks, this book is also questioning its own (re-)production. By doing so it becomes part of Keppel’s endless loop of recycled images, works and installations. » From the publisher’s website

Fw: Books
29.7 x 21 cm
400 p.
Soft cover, bw + 7 PMS colours, ed. 1000

46 €


Edition (ed.50 numbered/signed) includes: Publication ‘Entre Entree’ [208 pages / bw / paperback / EN / Design: Hans Gremmen with Stephan Keppel / Record ‘Autodanse’ [45 RPM / Composition and perfomance by Harry de Wit, produced with Neeltje ten Westenend] / Signed print [A4 / laserprint on chromolux 80 grams] /
For the creation of ‘Entre Entree’, Stephan Keppel spent one year in Paris and it’s suburbs. By reproducing the endless variations of the city’s surfaces –with his set of printers, camera’s and partly found paper-stocks– Keppel creates a new urban and visual structure. This experimental approach gives a unique perspective on a city that is over the years so often visually celebrated. ‘Entre Entree’ is a very dense, attractive, but at the same time uncanny publication, which is a highlight in Keppel’s ongoing research on public space, urban structures and reproduction.

21 x 29 cm
208 p.
Broché, emballé